Tuesday 28 February 2012

Take A Chance On: Dry The River

"Music is ... A higher revelation than all Wisdom & Philosophy" - Ludwig Van Beethoven

There's something very satisfying about finding a new band. It almost becomes your best kept secret, something you do not wish to share with others. However, In this technologically advanced age, the secret becomes harder to keep. Places like Facebook and Youtube create a medium for bands, a stage if you will, to get their foot in the door. It was this way that I discovered Dry The River, and let me say, I'm glad I did. I know that this band are going to be huge, and if you take once chance, on one band this year, please let it be Dry The River, they will simply blow you out of the water, or the river, if you will.

So far, Dry The River have released two singles, "No Rest" and "The Chambers & The Valves", and one four track E.P titled "Weights & Measures". They are due to release their album on March 5th 2012, and I can seriously say I am waiting with bated breathe. If the remaining tracks on the album are anything like the ones they have previously released, I would safely bet my entire life savings on the album being phenomenal. Have a listen yourself:

As you can guess, Dry The River's sound is pretty unique. It is Incredibly gutsy and full of heart. Their lyrics are fantastic, and the lead singer belts out some massive notes, especially in "Weights & Measures". The melodic rhythm somehow blends a slow stillness with a fast upbeat pace, and the result is beautiful. There is something so mesmerising about Dry The River the songs seem to penetrate the soul and relish in the heart. I first listened to the "Weights & Measures E.P" and from there, bought the "No Rest" single. When "Chambers & The Valves" was released the other day, I was over the moon at the sound that played through the headphones.  Their music is almost angelic, something I could easily imagine filling a church.

I'm going to be buying tickets to see this band live in Nottingham, because I know this might be their only small tour. I could see this band selling out Arenas, and I hope they do. I can imagine they'd put on a hell of a show. Believe me when I say Dry The River don't waste time making an impression. They hit you hard and fast, and their music will be something to remember. It'll definitely be something that I'll be listening to, for years to come. 

I'll be reviewing the album on 5th March, when I know I'll be in complete awe at it's brilliance. 

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